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Australian National University

ANU was established, in 1946, to advance the cause of learning and research for the nation. It is consistently ranked among the world’s best universities and many ANU graduates go on to become leaders in government, industry, research and academia.


Displaying 1001 - 1020 of 3786 articles

Les écrans solaires protègent des brûlures, du cancer de la peau, et du vieillissement cutané dû au soleil. PRONicki Dugan Pogue/Flickr

Comment fonctionnent les écrans solaires ?

Peut-on bronzer avec un écran solaire efficace et bien appliqué ? À quel intervalle faut-il en remettre ? Doit-on attendre avant de s’exposer au soleil ? Petits rappels souvent nécessaires…
Des miliciens rejoignent les forces de sécurité afghanes lors d'un rassemblement à Kaboul, le mois dernier. Ensemble, ils tentent d'endiguer la progression inexorable des talibans sur le territoire national. Rahmat Gul/AP

Afghanistan : comment des décennies de progrès pourraient être anéanties à court terme

Le sentiment que les talibans pourraient reprendre le contrôle à l’aune du retrait des forces américaines fait craindre une vague de défections dans le gouvernement et l’armée.
Militiamen join Afghan security forces during a gathering in Kabul last month. Together, they are trying to stem the tide of the latest Taliban gains. Rahmat Gul/AP

On the brink of disaster: how decades of progress in Afghanistan could be wiped out in short order

In Afghanistan, it does not pay to be on the losing side. There is a danger that a spreading perception the Taliban are poised to take over could trigger a wave of government and army defections.
Animal welfare protesters rally in front of a live export ship in Fremantle harbour, June last year. AAP Image/Richard Wainwright

Should slaughterhouses have glass walls? The campaign for greater farm transparency goes to the High Court

Advocacy groups play a crucial and neglected role in revealing systemic animal mistreatment. We need to make their actions unnecessary by with better transparency in the industries.

A tale of two valleys: Latrobe and Hunter regions both have coal stations, but one has far worse mercury pollution

New research found power stations in the Latrobe Valley emit around 10 times more mercury than power stations in the Hunter Valley. The stark difference has a lot to do with regulations.


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