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La Trobe University

For more than 50 years, La Trobe University has been transforming people and societies and has earned a global reputation for research that addresses the major issues of our time. With a dual emphasis on excellence and diversity, La Trobe has seven campuses across Victoria and New South Wales. Through innovations in teaching and learning, strong graduate employment outcomes and leading research, La Trobe consistently rates among the world’s best.


Displaying 1521 - 1540 of 1713 articles

The challenger and defender: the first US presidential debate has changed the game for Romney and Obama. AAP

Race to the White House: Dennis Altman, Nick Bisley

Welcome to part five of our Race to the White House podcast series. Each week we’ll be talking to Australia’s top US experts on the ins and outs of the 2012 US presidential campaign. This week, Romney…
Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan campaigning in the battleground state of Ohio last month, one of the states the Republicans need to fall their way in November. EPA/Shawn Thew

US elections: battleground states

It is about five weeks before the election and, overall, President Obama seems to hold a small but steady margin over Mitt Romney. However, predictions regarding the popular vote are not as important as…
It’s time to look closer at the value behind the work ethic. Julian Smith / AAP

Hard yakka: what’s the work ethic really worth?

Accepting the Democratic nomination earlier this month, President Barack Obama said he was inspired by the spirit of “the auto worker who won the lottery after his plant almost closed, but kept coming…
Obama met with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in November 2009 in what was seen as a further sign of a strong emerging relationship between the two countries. EPA/Shawn Thew

India, the ‘New Asia’ and the American presidential elections

Any American presidential election reverberates around global policy corners but, for India, the 2012 contest carries unusual significance. With its economy slowing, national government under severe pressure…
It’s easy to find examples of good development in national parks - Cradle Mountain Lodge, for example - and examples of where it hasn’t worked. Michael Dawes

Is nature-based tourism development really what our national parks need?

You’d be hard pushed to find someone who doesn’t love national parks, either as visitors or as reasonably-minded bystanders. But can those parks be loved to death? And, if so, who should step in to help…
Chilean president Sebastian Pinera’s recent Canberra visit underlines growing ties to Latin America. Now Australia must establish solid relationships with one of the world’s growing economic powerhouses. AAP

Australia finally ‘discovers’ Latin America; time now to forge relationships

Until now, we have paid little attention to Latin America. Our mainstream media hardly mentions the region or is full of misconceptions and stereotypes. But times are changing. Globalisation and technological…
Cory Bernardi making his now infamous comments on gay marriage in the Australian Senate last night. ABC News

Bernardi slips down the political slope with bestial comments on marriage

South Australian Senator Cory Bernardi’s comments about gay marriage have caused an uproar. Today he was forced to step down from his position as parliamentary secretary to Tony Abbott. But are they representative…
Julia Gillard and Wayne Swan, pictured at the ALP state conference in Queensland on Sunday, finally have something to smile about.

ALP should ride the poll bump and leave the Greens alone

This week’s Newspoll and Age/Nielsen poll make interesting reading in the wake of last week’s debate over the relationship between the Labor and the Greens. According to Newspoll, support for Labor has…
Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton arrive at a press conference for the death of the US Ambassador to Libya. AAP/Michael Reynolds

Race to the White House: Dennis Altman, David Malet

Welcome to part two of our Race to the White House podcast series. Each week we’ll be talking to Australia’s top US experts on the ins and outs of the 2012 US presidential campaign. This week, Dennis Altman…
A much wider group of Australian women will be able to choose a medical rather than surgical procedure. spaceodissey/Flickr

Politics v women’s health: RU486 and the TGA saga

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) finally included the abortifacient Mifepristone (also referred to as RU486) on the Australia Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) in August 2012 – after nearly…
Minister for the Environment Tony Burke and Minister for Agriculture Joe Ludwig will amend Australian law to prevent the super trawler from fishing in Australian waters for up to two years. AAP

Scientists to be called in as super trawler blocked for two years

Super trawler the Abel Tasman (formerly the Margiris) will be blocked from fishing in Australian waters for up to two years after the Federal Government announced plans to amend legislation to address…
Malaysia’s biofuel policies — which will be delivered by large multinational corporations — are contributing to a global food crisis. Rainforest Action Network/Flikr

Malaysia’s sustainability agenda reignites debate over food versus fuel

According to their 2005 Energy Policy Act, the US was supposed to have reached a 7.5% target for renewable fuel by 2012. While this may be good for the environment, there is growing concern that national…
Sensible Australian farmers don’t object when foreign investors want to buy their problematic assets. AAP Image/Cubbie Group

Cubbie Station sale no threat to food security

Controversy surrounding the recent sale of Cubbie Station in Queensland near the New South Wales border to (mainly) Chinese interests is not unexpected. Fears about foreign ownership in Australia are long-standing…
An attack on the Israeli embassy in Cairo in September. EPA/Khaled Elfiq

Arab spring, Salafi winter? Israel and the new Middle East

Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak has described his country as “a villa in the middle of a jungle”. But Barak’s “jungle” has become increasingly dangerous. What happens to the villa when a wind of change…

Vision impaired athletes dazzle with athleticism

I am in awe of the Australian Paralympic athletes! Such enthusiasm and excitement at being at the event. Not a tear in sight at winning silver or bronze instead of gold, but instead they are enjoying the…


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