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Articles on Europe

Displaying 1141 - 1160 of 1277 articles

European markets have so far reacted cautiously to Greek anti-austerity party win. EPA/Juan Carlos Hidalgo

Greece: a collision with lenders would be disastrous for growth

Syriza, in choosing to enter into coalition with the Independent Greeks, is sending a clear message to the Eurozone’s leaders: it is intent on challenging Greece’s debt repayments. So, some form of challenge…
Churchill was anything but a eurosceptic. John Stillwell/PA Archive/Press Association Images

What Churchill really thought about Britain’s place in Europe

Winston Churchill’s role in fostering European unity is beyond dispute in Brussels. The European Union’s website lists Churchill as one of 11 founding fathers of the organisation. In Strasbourg, the European…
The Greek Harry Potter? Sotiris Barbarousis/EPA

Explainer: why the Greek election is so important

This Greek election is the most important in recent memory. It appears Syriza has won by a large margin, ending four decades of two-party rule in Greece. Since 2010 – and as a result of austerity measures…
Will Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, continue with its disastrous policy history? EPA/Boris Roessler

ECB is about to implement the wrong type of quantitative easing

As investors anxiously await the announcement from the European Central Bank about whether the eurozone will implement quantitative easing (QE), we can tell from the ECB’s track record that it is very…
Not out of business yet. 1000 Words/shutterstock

When it comes to jobs, it’s quality not quantity that matters

David Cameron has announced his aspiration for the UK to become a nation of “full employment”, promising that Britain will have the highest employment rate of any major world economy. This is not the first…
EPA/Philippe Wojazer

The European exemplar

No-one doubts that Europe, or more specifically the European Union, has got more than its fair share of problems. Even before home-grown jihadists inflicted their version of divine retribution on an unambiguously…
It doesn’t look good for prime minister Antonis Samaras. EPA

Markets threaten Greek democracy ahead of election

Greece faces a decisive moment on January 25 in a snap election that could see major gains for the extreme left and right. But anyone worried about how Syriza on one side, or Golden Dawn on the other…
Marianne watches over the Paris unity rally. EPA

Fragile France must avoid further division after Paris attacks

France has had a long and troubled relationship with its Muslim populations. French armies faced down Muslim leaders during the expansion of the country’s empire in Africa in the 19th century. And in the…

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