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Articles on Women

Displaying 561 - 580 of 743 articles

Jazmina Cininas, Christina sleeps on both sides of Grandma’s bed, 2010. Reduction linocut 52.8 x 71.8cm.

Friday essay: the female werewolf and her shaggy suffragette sisters

From witch-hunts to the suffragettes, belief in womanly werewolfs has flourished at times when the female gender was under threat. But in contemporary fiction, film and art, werewolf lore is evolving in surprising ways.
It always seems just out of reach. Glass ceiling via

Why it’s so hard for women to break into the C-suite

While Clinton’s popular vote win shows progress toward gender equality, her rival’s nomination of just three women to his Cabinet is a reminder of how much work still needs to be done to overcome bias in management.
Once you start, you can’t stop. 'Injection' via

Why are young women without wrinkles using Botox?

By getting young women hooked before they’ve even formed wrinkles, Botox peddlers have realized they can enlist them in a lifetime of treatment.
Doctors and patients should appreciate the many roles estrogens play in the body. Doctor and patient image via

What women with breast cancer should know about estrogens

Estrogens also have many positive effects on mental health, cognitive function, libido and protection of the brain, possibly even slowing the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.

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