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Articles on COVID-19

Displaying 5381 - 5400 of 7973 articles

Satere-mawe Indigenous men in face masks paddle the Ariau River, in hard-hit Manaus state, during the coronavirus pandemic, May 5, 2020. Ricardo Oliveira /AFP via Getty Images

Brazil’s Bolsonaro has COVID-19 – and so do thousands of Indigenous people who live days from the nearest hospital

Indigenous communities were already suffering badly under Bolsonaro. Now, COVID-19 threatens their very survival.
An imam leads the prayer during the funeral for COVID-19 coronavirus victims at a mosque in Cape Town. MARCO LONGARI /AFP - GettyImages

Funeral rites and Covid-19: what must be done to respect tradition and keep people safe

It is important that procedures surrounding funerals are developed by public health officials alongside traditional and religious authorities.
Airlines are risking alienating customers and permanent reputational damage due to their refusal to issue refunds after cancelling flights mid-coronavirus. (Pixabay)

Airlines should rethink their refusal to refund passengers during COVID-19

Airlines seem largely unconcerned about the long-term implications of their refusal to issue refunds to passengers during the COVID-19 pandemic, and risk alienating customers permanently.
COVID-19 has been linked to neurological problems in those with severe disease. Ralwel / Getty Images

Rare neurological disorder, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, linked to COVID-19

As if the symptoms of COVID-19 were not disturbing enough, physicians have noted a rare neurological condition that emerges during some severe cases of this viral infection.

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