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Articles on Driverless cars

Displaying 1 - 20 of 135 articles

Regulation must protect AI innovation while addressing risks, but what’s the right balance? ra2 studio / Shutterstock

How the UK is getting AI regulation right

With fine-tuning, the approach correctly balances the risks with the need to encourage innovation.
Self-driving cars are programmed to identify and avoid risk, but in the case of an accident, who is legally responsible? (Shutterstock)

Who’s to blame when a self-driving car has an accident?

As self-driving cars increase in popularity, the question of legal liability remains. The driver, automobile manufacturer and software designers all have a role to play.
LiDAR helps an autonomous vehicle ‘visualize’ what’s around it. Yulong Can with data from Baidu Apollo

Autonomous vehicles can be fooled to ‘see’ nonexistent obstacles

Driverless vehicles rely heavily on sensors to navigate the world. They’re vulnerable to attack if bad actors trick them into ‘seeing’ things that aren’t there, potentially leading to deadly crashes.
Widespread use of autonomous vehicles could increase or cut greenhouse gas emissions. It all depends on public policy. (Shutterstock)

Self-driving cars will not fix our transportation woes

The sweeping introduction of driverless cars could see more vehicles on the road, driving longer distances. But smart planning could solve some of transit-associated environmental and social problems.

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