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Articles on Facebook

Displaying 561 - 580 of 1009 articles

A lack of transparency by Facebook Canada officials about how the Facebook News Feed works means upcoming elections in Canada could be influenced by fake news. ((AP Photo/Thibault Camus)

What Facebook could do to stop fake news about Canadian elections

What kind of information do Canadian voters get through Facebook? It’s time for the social media giant to let researchers see exactly what it sends its 23 million users in Canada.
Social media companies combine many pieces of information into a complex digital profile. Tetiana Yurchenko/

To serve a free society, social media must evolve beyond data mining

For years, watchdogs have warned of the potential problems of sharing data with online companies. The Facebook data crisis has made these concerns much more real. What should be done now?
Cutouts depicting Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wearing ‘Fix Fakebook’ displayed on Capitol Hill on April 10, 2018. AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

The law that made Facebook what it is today

The Communications Decency Act was passed in 1996, seven years before the debut of MySpace. It helped online publishing grow – and to escape consequences for the way users might be harmed.
Every time you open an app, click a link, like a post, read an article, hover over an ad, or connect to someone, you are generating data. Shutterstock

How to stop haemorrhaging data on Facebook

If you’re concerned about privacy, but you’re not ready to #deletefacebook here’s what you can do, step by step, to minimise the amount of data you share.

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