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Articles on Facebook

Displaying 641 - 660 of 1009 articles

Facebook’s Messenger Kids has sparked debate about what age children should be using messaging apps.

Facebook’s new Messenger Kids app could be good for digital literacy

Many parents are fearful about their children being online. Messaging services for children could help both kids and parents learn how to communicate safely and respectfully in the digital space.
Social links. civilservicelocal/Pixabay

Rethinking ethics in social-network research

The term “social network” has become commonplace, but those who use it to designate Facebook or Instagram often ignore its origin and true meaning.

When should you unfriend someone on Facebook?

The combination of a divisive political climate and widespread use of social media networks to share controversial material has many people asking this question. Here’s what Aristotle would say.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg initially dismissed as “crazy” the warnings that Russia had been using Facebook to spread propaganda in the 2016 U.S. election. He has since apologized and introduced plans and tools aimed at fighting false information on the platform. In this file photo, he delivers the commencement address at Harvard University in May. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

Regulate social media platforms before it’s too late

In a fight for the global flow of information, social media firms must be regulated. Their billions of dollars in revenue put their financial interests in conflict with truth and democracy.
Some of the Facebook and Instagram ads used in 2016 election released by members of the U.S. House Intelligence committee. AP Photo/Jon Elswick

Why social media may not be so good for democracy

A scholar asks whether democracy itself is at risk in a world where social media is creating deeply polarized groups of individuals who tend to believe everything they hear.
Germany has introduced new legislation to try to stop the rise of online hate speech. It’s a phenomenon that’s happening in Canada too and many analysts point to the impact of Donald Trump’s politics. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

The Trump effect in Canada: A 600 per cent increase in online hate speech

There has been a 600 per cent increase in online hate speech since Nov. 2015. The solution to stop the tide lies in both anti-hate laws and self-awareness education for audiences.
Racists take advantage of social media algorithms to find people with similar beliefs. from

Here’s how Australia can act to target racist behaviour online

Racism thrives online because of a clash between the commercial goals and ethical responsibilities of social media companies. But Australia can take legal and civil actions right now to address this.
The original ‘Blade Runner’ took place in a dreary, dystopian Los Angeles in 2019. Warner Bros.

Blade Runner’s chillingly prescient vision of the future

The relationship between corporations, machines and humans defines modern life in ways that Ridley Scott – even in his wildest dreams – couldn’t have imagined.
Heritage Minister Melanie Joly recently announced a new policy for Canada’s cultural and creative industries competing in a digital world, but it offers little help for organizations that produce serious journalism. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Fred Chartrand

Why is Melanie Joly ignoring the crisis in Canadian journalism?

The Canadian news industry is in a crisis. Rather than providing a way forward, the Liberal government suggests that Facebook, Twitter, and Google will “jumpstart digital news innovation.”

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