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Articles on Facebook

Displaying 621 - 640 of 1009 articles

Message from the Unseen World, an installation of a Turing-inspired algorithm reciting a poem. by Nick Drake. Roger Marks/Flickr

Digital public: looking at what algorithms actually do

Today’s communications platforms and the algorithms that power them have led to a radical change in how public discourse is conducted and public opinion formed.
Under fire: Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg. AP Photo/Jeff Roberson

How Facebook could really fix itself

A scholar of digital trust evaluates Facebook’s current efforts and proposes some improvements the company could make.
People feeling anxious about social interactions can find support and solace on social media. Dean Drobot/

Online social networks can help fight social anxiety

Posting on social media, reaching a group of friends all at once, can make connecting with others less threatening for people who experience social anxiety.
Many of the challenges faced by social media companies come down to failures of design.

Ethical design is the answer to some of social media’s problems

Tech companies are beginning to recognise that there is an ethical dimension to their work, and that they have some responsibility for the well-being of their users.
Rohingya Muslim women who fled Myanmar for Bangladesh stretch their arms out to collect aid distributed by relief agencies in this September 2017 photo. A campaign of killings, rape and arson attacks by security forces and Buddhist-aligned mobs have sent more than 850,000 of the country’s 1.3 million Rohingya fleeing. (AP Photo/Dar Yasin, File)

Unliked: How Facebook is playing a part in the Rohingya genocide

Facebook is unwittingly helping fuel a genocide against the Rohingya people in Myanmar. Does Cuba’s internet model provide lessons to manage social media amid political chaos?

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