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Articles on India

Displaying 501 - 520 of 1042 articles

A supporter of Narendra Modi’s BJP party at rally in late March. Jaipla Singh/EPA

India: what’s at stake in the 2019 elections

India heads to the polls in April and May for the world’s biggest democratic exercise. Why the world should be watching this election.
Perhaps hoping for an election boost, India’s Prime Minister Modi announces that Indian scientists shot down a live satellite at a low-earth orbit. Jaipal Singh / AAP

India destroys its own satellite with a test missile, still says space is for peace

On 27 March, India announced it had successfully conducted an anti-satellite missile test, Mission Shakti. India is now the fourth country in the world displaying this capability.
Heading for failure: shifting the burden of social development programs to business enterprises may prove to be a huge mistake by India’s national government. Shutterstock

India’s grand experiment in corporate social responsibility is heading for trouble

India requires large enterprises to spend 2% of their profits on corporate social responsibility projects. It’s a bold idea, but looks doomed to fail.
Indian soldiers arrive at the wreckage of an an Indian helicopter that crashed on the Indian side of Kashmir on Feb. 27, 2019. AP Photo/Mukhtar Khan

Kashmir conflict is not just a border dispute between India and Pakistan

India and Pakistan have been fighting for control over Kashmir, an 86,000-square-mile territory in the Himalayas, for seven decades. But the people of Kashmir have their own political goals too.

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