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Articles on Marine Le Pen

Displaying 61 - 80 of 134 articles

National Front party leader, Marine Le Pen, has been campaigning on a populist agenda. Charles Platiau/Reuters

And the winner in the French presidential election is… populism

A survey shows that candidates who exploited populism in one way or the other during the first round of the French presidential election captured about half of the vote.
Emmanuel Macron was the winner of the first round of the French presidental election. Eric Feferberg/AFP

French election: how the vote came to be so split

The first round of the presidential election has left French citizens and politicians divided – and the top candidates’ four-way split doesn’t favour governance of the country.
Emmanuel Macron at a campagn event in Bercy, April 17. Eric Feferberg/AFP

The voice of youth at the ballot box: lost or unheard?

François Hollande promised to make France’s youth a priority, but was a disappointment to them. While current candidates often showcase young supporters, will they have a voice after the election?
Popular candidates for the 2017 presidential election (from left): Fillon, Macron, Melenchon, Le Pen and Hamon get ready to debate on March 20, 2017. REUTERS/Patrick Kovarik

Six questions about the French elections

Get up to speed before the first round of voting on April 23.

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