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Articles on Misinformation

Displaying 281 - 300 of 370 articles

Scott Barbour/AAP

Coronavirus misinformation is a global issue, but which myth you fall for likely depends on where you live

When it comes to COVID-19 misinformation, not all nations are the same. Some are peddling a larger variety of myths than others - and each seems to have its own personal favourite.
Shannon Rose, left, joined other demonstrators calling for Gov. Gavin Newsom to end the stay-at-home orders during a protest at the state capitol in Sacramento, Calif., on May 9, 2020. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)

Cell tower vandals and re-open protestors — why some people believe in coronavirus conspiracies

From political ideologies, conspiracy theories or “reopen” protests, when faced with uncertainty, we seek reassurance in the face of mortality through efforts at containment.
Out and about: Jair Bolsanaro waves to supporters during a rally in Brasilia on April 19. Joedson Alves/EPA

Brazil: Jair Bolsonaro’s strategy of chaos hinders coronavirus response

Jair Bolsonaro has ignored and openly challenged the advice of health authorities, sacked his health minister and tried to use the pandemic for political gain.
A sign outside Lions Gate Hospital in North Vancouver, B.C., explains visitor restrictions to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck

Conspiracy theorists are falsely claiming that the coronavirus pandemic is an elaborate hoax

Hospitals have requested that people avoid non-emergency visits, and conspiracy theorists are posting images of empty parking lots online as false proof that COVID-19 is an elaborate hoax.

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