The current string of COVID outbreaks in remote Aboriginal communities are due to get worse if the NT government opens its borders on December 20, as planned.
The Northern Territory has the highest rates of domestic, family, and sexual violence in Australia. The Tangentyere women’s group shows how prevention projects can address gender inequality.
When addressing domestic and partner violence, First Nations communities need to be involved in how men’s behaviour change programs are developed and delivered.
Do we want to punish some of the most vulnerable young people in the community, or do we want to reduce re-offending? The Northern Territory’s proposed youth justice reforms suggest the former.
We discovered 11 (and probably more) new species of stygofauna living in water underground. These animals are usually blind, beautifully translucent and long-limbed.
In depicting brutal massacres and mission life, this film gets a lot right. And the model for its central protagonist may well be a young man called Narlim, exiled from his country in the late 1930s.
A 2018 ruling that alcohol should be no cheaper than $1.30 per unit resulted in sales of cask wine - the most problematic drink for Darwin and the wider Northern Territory - to fall by half.
Small mammals in northern Australia have been rapidly vanishing for the last 30 years, and scientists weren’t sure why. Now, a major new study found feral livestock are largely to blame.
Around 300 termite mounds dressed as people can be found along the Stuart Highway in the Northern Territory. They sport all manner of accessories from bras to hard hats to beer cans.
The government wants more people to live in Australia’s north. So we looked at three scenarios to increase the population and the results don’t always look good for the north.
Queensland has become the latest state or territory to embark on an Indigenous treaty process. But for lasting progress to be made, the federal government cannot shirk its responsibility.
Managing Director, Triple Helix Consulting; Chief Executive Officer, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research; Professorial Fellow, ANU Fenner School for the Environment and Society, Australian National University