One of the ‘first white women’ to travel in the Northern Territory, Elsie Masson’s attitudes to the Aboriginal people she met expressed the contradictions of racial thought at this time.
At the Maningrida football Grand Final in 2015, commentary was recorded in nine languages. But elsewhere, the threat of language loss poses a serious risk to our nation’s cultural inheritance.
Nina Lansbury, The University of Queensland; Susan Mott, The University of Queensland, and Wendy Hoy, The University of Queensland
Drinking water in Australia can be contaminated by natural and manmade processes, especially in communities. Innovation is needed to ensure water is ‘fit for purpose, place and people’.
One year after the Royal Commission into Northern Territory child detention recommended big changes, little of substance has been done to tackle the problem by the NT Labor government.
The NT is the only jurisdiction in Australia mandating the use of English in the Legislative Assembly – despite the fact 42% of the population doesn’t speak English at home.
In remote Northern Territory, most Aboriginal people have been buried in unmarked graves. Archaelogists are carrying out painstaking detective work to help communities find their loved ones’ remains.
Research into Queensland’s Darling Downs area has found social stress caused by housing pressure, population shifts and the ‘two-speed economy’ of coal seam gas.
International evidence shows minimum pricing policies can reduce alcohol-related harm. But a downside of the mechanism is that the extra money will go to industry rather than government.
The trial of the cashless welfare card, to control unhealthy spending in Indigenous communities, is being expanded partly due to emotive well-funded campaigns. Meanwhile, evidence is being ignored.
Architecture can affect behaviour and the choices we make. The brief is out for a centre to replace the Don Dale facility, but word is, it’s ‘a disgrace’. We can do much better.
The Men’s Painting Room - a Nissen hut in the government settlement of Papunya - is Australian art’s most important atelier. A new form of creative expression happened here.
The NT youth justice royal commission’s interim report did not deliver any findings or make any recommendations. Nor did it reflect young people’s personal stories.
Decriminalisation is important as it signals to the community that abortion is part of gynaecological care and should not be treated differently to any other form of health care.
How might an Aboriginal person in the Northern Territory experience racism? There are many material signs that can make a person feel excluded from society.
Managing Director, Triple Helix Consulting; Chief Executive Officer, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research; Professorial Fellow, ANU Fenner School for the Environment and Society, Australian National University