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Articles on northern territory

Displaying 61 - 80 of 120 articles

Thursday night football in the community of Wadeye, about 420 kilometres south-west of Darwin in the Northern Territory. J. Louth

How sport can tackle violence against women and girls

Primary prevention programs with a footballing focus aim to change behaviours and attitudes among men towards women.
Images like this one aired by the ABC’s Four Corners programme helped trigger a Royal Commission - but its recommendations have still not been acted on. ABC Four Corners

One year on from Royal Commission findings on Northern Territory child detention: what has changed?

One year after the Royal Commission into Northern Territory child detention recommended big changes, little of substance has been done to tackle the problem by the NT Labor government.
A bough shelter made for the funeral of W. Willika in the remote Northern Territory community of Barunga. Photo: Claire Smith

A grave omission: the quest to identify the dead in remote NT

In remote Northern Territory, most Aboriginal people have been buried in unmarked graves. Archaelogists are carrying out painstaking detective work to help communities find their loved ones’ remains.
Coal seam gas extraction has increased social stress in Darling Downs. University of Queensland

Fracking can cause social stress in nearby areas: new research

Research into Queensland’s Darling Downs area has found social stress caused by housing pressure, population shifts and the ‘two-speed economy’ of coal seam gas.
The increasingly bleached coral at Black Point on the Cobourg Peninsula is a worrying sign of what’s to come for other coral reefs in Australia. Alan Withers

New coral bleaching outbreak in NT a worrying sign of our warming oceans

Coral bleaching has struck the Northern Territory, adding urgency to the need for better national management strategies for our warming oceans.
The long road to abortion reform in the NT has been made possible by community campaigns, and gender parity in the lower house. Brian Yap/Flickr

Decriminalisation in the NT signals abortion is part of normal health care

Decriminalisation is important as it signals to the community that abortion is part of gynaecological care and should not be treated differently to any other form of health care.
Children representing the diversity of contemporary multicultural Australia stand near a sign depicting an ‘idealised’ white Australia. Blackwood Recreation Centre, South Australia, 2015. Photo: C. Smith

The markers of everyday racism in Australia

How might an Aboriginal person in the Northern Territory experience racism? There are many material signs that can make a person feel excluded from society.

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