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Articles on Poverty

Displaying 681 - 700 of 895 articles

The region with the most unequal incomes in Australia is Melbourne City, where the top 20% have an income that is 8.3 times as high as those in the bottom 20%. Dan Peled/AAP

What income inequality looks like across Australia

Census data shows there is income inequality between, but also within, regions of Australia.
A homeless camp in Los Angeles, where homelessness has risen 23 percent in the past year, in May 2017. AP Photo/Richard Vogel

Why poverty is not a personal choice, but a reflection of society

Americans, an independent group, tend to believe that people can “pull themselves up by their boot straps.” Yet bigger forces are at play in a person’s ability to gain education, a good job and money.
Margaret Morton’s photographs of the homeless highlighted their makeshift dwellings as symbols of creativity and resourcefulness. © Margaret Morton

How the homeless create homes

Even though they don’t consistently have a roof over their heads, the homeless do their best to create a routine, form communities and make a home – just like the rest of society.
A worker walks near the Congolese state mining company Gecamines’ in the southern province of Katanga. REUTERS/Jonny Hogg

The DRC is revisiting its mining code. Why reform is long overdue

The Democratic Republic of the Congo has scheduled its 15-year-old mining code for review. The country must ensure reform that benefits its people.
The first microloans were made to women in rural Bangladesh in the 1970s. Banesa Khatun (far left) here in 2006, was still using Grameen Bank 30 years later. Rafiquar Rahman/Reuters

Yes, microlending reduces extreme poverty

A new study finds that giving small loans to very poor people reduces both the incidence and depth of poverty in the developing world.
SNAP helps millions of Americans get food on their tables.

The Trump team’s poor arguments for slashing SNAP

Cutting the program formerly known as food stamps would hurt low-income Americans and the whole economy. As research indicates that it’s working well, this drive to defund is baffling experts.
It can be a tough time for children going through the physical and emotional changes of puberty. And if they enter puberty early, the health impacts can stay with them for life. from

Poor kids hit puberty sooner and risk a lifetime of health problems

Shape-shifting bodies. Cracking voices. Hairs sprouting in new places. Why do some children enter puberty early?

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