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Articles on Privatisation

Displaying 41 - 60 of 142 articles

The perimeter fence at Silverwater jail in Sydney’s west. AAP

Business Briefing: questioning the economics of prison

Business Briefing: the business of prisons CC BY31.3 MB (download)
Prisons are big business in Australia. Companies not only run entire prisons but provide many of the services. But what does the research say about the impact?
At the Ashwood-Chadstone estate, Port Phillip Housing Association has built high-quality homes, with no visible difference between the 72 private and 206 community housing dwellings. PPHA

Community sector offers a solid platform for fair social housing

Concerns about the privatisation of public housing estates should not blind us to the benefits of the transfer of public housing to the not-for-profit community housing sector.
Our land-title system originated in the mid-19th century when Sir Robert Richard Torrens campaigned to reform Adelaide’s chaotic deeds-based land system. National Library of Australia

Torrens, our land-title pioneer, might have approved of privatised registries

Sir Robert Richard Torrens – the man behind Australia’s ‘Torrens system’ of land-title registration – was an economic liberal who might have approved of privatising title registries.
Sydney’s bus services are a mix of public and private-operated routes, which complicates any estimates of potential cost savings. Dean Lewins/AAP

Why touted public transport savings from competitive tendering are too high

Estimated cost savings for rail and bus franchising from Infrastructure Australia and PwC will have government treasurers salivating. Problem is, the figures are almost certainly far too high.

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