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Articles on Race

Displaying 441 - 460 of 608 articles

Race-neutral affirmative action can help identify first-generation students like Blanca Diaz and LaQuintah Garrett. AP Photo/Amy Anthony

Colleges need affirmative action – but it can be expanded

Race-conscious admissions policies are still the best way to achieve diversity on campus. Yet, some race-neutral methods could help colleges improve diversity – and stand up to legal scrutiny.
Could legal intimidation threaten race-conscious admissions in the U.S.? AP Photo/Susan Walsh

The legal threat to diversity on campus

For colleges and universities that lack the multi-billion-dollar endowments of schools like Harvard, the mere threat of legal action may be enough to put an end to race-conscious admissions policies.
Though popular culture might suggest otherwise, cyberbullying isn’t just a white problem. tommaso79/

Race, cyberbullying and intimate partner violence

A recent Pew survey reported that young African-Americans are more likely to be both victims and perpetrators of cyberbullying. Why?
A group of youth walked 1600 kilometers to bring attention aboriginal issues in 2013 at Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario. They hold up the Cree flag. By Paul McKinnon/

Media portrays Indigenous and Muslim youth as ‘savages’ and ‘barbarians’

Research shows that the Globe and Mail has created a script in which marginalized youth can only be dealt with as failures or criminals, impacting the way they are perceived in society.
In this fantasy episode of “The Mindy Project,” Mindy Lahiri dreams of becoming a white man after getting rejected for a job. (Hulu/Richard Foreman)

‘I wanna be white!’ Can we change race?

When philosopher Rebecca Tuvel asked if racial identity could be as fluid as gender, she unleashed a storm of controversy and anger. Instead of shutting her down, we should listen and debate.
US Attorney General Jeff Sessions speaks to law enforcement officers in St. Louis. REUTERS/Lawrence Bryant

How crossing the US-Mexico border became a crime

Trump’s administration plans to ramp up prosecution of unauthorized border crossings. Here’s the story of how it became illegal in the first place.

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