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Articles on Race

Displaying 461 - 480 of 608 articles

Members of the grounds crew spray the field before the Opening Day game between the Washington Nationals and the Miami Marlins. AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Baseball season begins: Five essential reads

The national pastime is more than just a sport. In this roundup, we feature stories about baseball’s relationship to race, politics, the media and health.
'Crayons' via

Who counts as black?

With the number of multiracial Americans growing, there’s a fierce debate in the black community over who’s black – and who isn’t.
Most whites would say they’re okay with diversity. But is there a threshold? 'Map' via

Are Americans becoming more xenophobic?

Simple reminders of the growing diversity of the country and the political power of minorities can influence biases.
An 18th-century painting shows an indigenous woman with her Spanish husband and their child. The plaque reads: ‘From a Spaniard and an Indian is produced a mestizo.’ Wikimedia Commons

From Paraguay, a history lesson on racial equality

The strange and enlightening tale of a South American dictator who tried to prevent white people from marrying other white people.
Clockwise, from left: White nationalist William Pierce, domestic terrorist Timothy McVeigh, white nationalist Richard Spencer, British journalist Milo Yiannopoulos, professor Kevin MacDonald, and Breitbart News founder Andrew Breitbart. Nick Lehr/The Conversation

The seeds of the alt-right, America’s emergent right-wing populist movement

An academic who has studied the American far right explores whether the alt-right can become a sustained political force.
It is a myth that children don’t notice difference or ‘see’ race. from

How do you talk to kids about racism?

By four years, children have already begun to internalise bias and stereotypes. Yet research shows teachers and parents are often uncomfortable or unsure about talking to children about cultural difference.
Outside the courthouse in Charleston, South Carolina. Grace Beahm/The Post and Courier via AP

Dylann Roof, Michael Slager on trial: Five essential reads on Charleston

Two major trials in the killings of black victims in South Carolina start this week. Learn about the state’s past and present struggle with racial violence in this roundup.
Boxer Jack Johnson was relentlessly reprimanded for his arrogance and opulent lifestyle. But what was the criticism really about? Václav Soukup/flickr

The oppressive seeds of the Colin Kaepernick backlash

The controversy over Kaepernick’s refusal to stand for the National Anthem isn’t a watershed moment. It’s only the latest chapter in a long history of people trying to control how black people behave.

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