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Articles on Shakespeare

Displaying 101 - 120 of 172 articles

People hold up face masks with Shakespeare’s portrait during celebrations to mark the 400th anniversary of his death this year. It was a completely different story when he died. Dylan Martinez/Reuters

Why was Shakespeare’s death such a non-event at the time?

This year, the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death has been marked by a flood of events around the world. But why did his exit cause so little public grief at the time, in and beyond the country of his birth?
Ned, played by Johnny Carr and Mortimer (Marco Chiappi) in Edward II. Pia Johnson

One of Marlowe’s finest plays roars into the 21st century

A new production of Edward II by the ‘bad boy of Elizabethan drama’ breathes fresh life into the play, accentuating the story’s political and psychological dimensions.
The cast of Twelfth Night rehearse at the Belvoir St Theatre. Brett Boardman

‘A wise man’s art’: Twelfth Night and cross-mobility casting

Belvoir St Theatre’s production of Twelfth Night features veteran actor Keith Robinson, who returns to the stage after recovering from Guillain-Barre Syndrome. There’s radical potential in cross-mobility casting – but Belvoir doesn’t quite get there.
A typescript for the Female Eunuch with photo of a young Greer on a book. Germaine Greer archive: 2014.0038.0001. Picture Nathan Gallagher, copyright University of Melbourne

Friday essay: How Shakespeare helped shape Germaine Greer’s feminist masterpiece

The Greer archives brim with notebooks and papers from her time as a student of the traditional humanities. And reading The Female Eunuch for evidence of the Bard reveals a new kind of book, one that is deeply informed by this scholarship.
Both Hamlet and ‘True Detective’‘s Rust Cohle make audiences wonder whether they’re deserving of sympathy or blame. Nick Lehr/The Conversation

In today’s most popular shows, Shakespeare’s iconic characters live on

The psychological complexity of Shakespeare’s characters has rendered them timeless. Today, we see The Bard’s influence in shows like ‘Breaking Bad’ and ‘True Detective.’

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