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Articles on Traffic accidents

Displaying 21 - 25 of 25 articles

The makers of GPS devices are among the many factors and actors whose role in road safety has not been fully considered. flickr/Schu

The ‘fatal five’ causes of road trauma: who’s in control?

The focus is on reducing the “fatal five” behaviours that cause road trauma: speeding, drink and drug driving, not wearing seatbelts, fatigue and driving while distracted.
This wouldn’t have happened in standstill traffic. EPA

London’s congestion charge increases speed and saves lives

London has long been one of the world’s most congested cities. Before a £5 “congestion charge” was introduced for vehicles entering the city centre, cars would spend a third of their time in peak hours…
A 20-year-old man died in this accident in WA earlier this month when his Ford Falcon utility a tree. AAP/WA Police

A new approach to cut death toll of young people in road accidents

Too often in Australia we hear tragic stories of another young life cut short in a car accident and yet any attempts to dramatically reduce the death toll are not working. Young male drivers are our hardest…

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