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Articles on US politics

Displaying 401 - 420 of 737 articles

US President Donald Trump, flanked by Senior Advisor Jared Kushner (standing, L-R), Vice President Mike Pence, Staff Secretary Rob Porter and Chief of Staff Reince Priebus - in front of the new Oval Office gold curtains. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Going for gold: Trump, Louis XIV and interior design

Yellow-gold, swagged curtains have appeared in the Oval Office. But if Donald Trump wants to emulate the Sun King, he would be advised to look to contemporary artists and designers for inspiration.
Justice and Divine Vengeance Pursuing Crime – although the Nemesis of today will likely come with fewer wings. Pierre-Paul Prud’hon

Hubris and the danger of leaders with extreme self-regard

The Greek myths teach that pride comes before a fall – something that our leaders, filled with hubris, rarely see before it’s too late.
The opportunity for emerging political figures to make their mark is considerable. The Conversation

Five political leaders to watch in 2017

Here are five political leaders from around the world who are emerging as significant talents and possible contenders for influence in 2017 and beyond.

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