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Business + Economy – Articles, Analysis, Comment

Displaying 4601 - 4625 of 7392 articles

Australians are losing public confidence that Australia’s leaders can tackle our “wicked problems”. AAP/ Lukas Coch

Australians to our leaders: ‘lift your game and think long term’

Recent comments from the Business Council of Australia reflect a shift in the public debate about reform and the national agenda. Specifically, BCA President Catherine Livingstone has called for wide consultation…
It’s personal: why shouldn’t consumers reclaim the rich data trail they create? Image sourced from

Why it’s time for companies to give us back our data

The competition review could help shed light on whether Australian companies are willing to share the data they hold on us as consumers.
Secrecy around investor state dispute settlement clauses in the Transpacific Partnership has stoked concerns. AAP Image/NewZulu/Peter Boyle

Sovereign risk fears around TPP are overblown

The secrecy around negotiations of the Transpacific Partnership have been painted as sinister. But could the reasons be about practicality?
Alexis Tsipras’ visit to Moscow this week drew a terse response from Angela Merkel, but no deal has been announced. Alexey Nikolsky/Ria Novosti/Kremlin Pool/EPA/AAP

Greece will survive another D-Day – no thanks to Russia

As Greece wastes time seeking war repatriations to help cover its debts, a better solution would be debt forgiveness - with conditions.
Foxtel hopes to retain viewers with exclusive content such as Game of Thrones. AAP/HBO

Is Foxtel most at risk in the new Game of Screens?

Australians have enthusiastically embraced new streaming service Netflix. But with its subscription business model under threat, Foxtel is coming out fighting.
Fortescue Metals Group founder Andrew Forrest has suggested iron ore miners cap production, but it might have been unnecessary had he supported a well-designed mining tax. Julian Smith/AAP

Why Twiggy Forrest should have got behind a super profits tax

Had the mining industry engaged differently on the proposed mining super profits tax, it would be in a better position today.
Assistant Treasurer Josh Frydenberg’s figures were taken form the Intergenerational Report, but we should be wary of economic projections that claim to see 40 years into the future. AAP Image/Joel Carrett

FactCheck: was Australia on a debt trajectory heading to 122% of GDP?

Any forecast 30 years ahead is fraught with uncertainty, so we should be wary of warnings Australia was on a trajectory of debt and deficit heading to 122% of GDP.
Are loans guaranteed by parents adding unnecessary risk to the market? Julien Tromeur/Shutterstock

The problems with relying on the bank of mum and dad

First home buyers looking to break into the housing market are turning to their parents, but it’s not a risk-free proposition for either party.
Whether the Harper Review might stoke competition in the retail grocery sector remains to be seen. AAP/Dan Peled

Harper Review: a mixed basket for Coles and Woolworths

Supermarket giants are predictably opposed to Harper Review’s effects test, but the report is a mixed bag when it comes to other retail competition issues.
The competition policy review is just another difficult conversation for the Abbott government. Gary Schafer/AAP

Government writing reform cheques it’s unlikely to cash

Big reforms in taxation and competition policy are on the table for the Abbott government, but has it spent too much political capital to get any of them across the line?
Economist Ian Harper has delivered the final report in the most comprehensive review of competition law and policy in more than 20 years. Mark Graham/AAP

Harper makes case for competition overhaul: experts react

The removal of restrictions on retail trading hours, pharmacies and parallel imports, and a controversial “effects test” on existing misuse of market power rules are among the many recommendations contained…