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All to often, true crime books have glorified male violence and reproduced crude sexist stereotypes. Jari Schroderus

True crime interrogates toxic masculinity, at last

The genre that brought us the writings of Mark “Chopper” Read isn’t known for its impeccable gender politics. But two new books cast a critical eye on a culture of male violence.
In seeking to understand the roots of Islamic State, we’ve tried to spread the net wide, but make no claim to being comprehensive or having the final word. Reuters/Stringer; David Wise/Flickr; Reuters/Stringer; EPA/Sanjeev Gupta; Reuters/Fadi Al-Assaad; Royal Geographical Society/Wikimedia Commons; Reuters/Stringer; AAP/Asmaa Abdelatif; Reuters/Stringer

How can we understand the origins of Islamic State?

Our series on understanding Islamic State attempts to catalogue many of the forces and events that can arguably have played a part in creating the conditions necessary for these jihadists to emerge.
Sydney Harbour is arguably the city’s only truly great public space. flickr/Duncan Hull

Utzon Lecture: Re-imagining the Harbour City

Under pressure to be a global city, market-led infrastructure provision is shifting the focus from public to private interests, from government as promoter to government as client, with mixed results.
Spectators in South Korea look on as AlphaGo takes on Go champion Lee Se-dol. EPA/JEON HEON-KYUN

AI has beaten us at Go. So what next for humanity?

A machine has bested us at yet another intellectually challenging game. It shows artificial intelligence is progressing rapidly, but it doesn’t mean humans are redundant quite yet.
Many babies are born with a genetic variant that leads to ambiguous sexual development. .gsr./Flickr

Boy, girl or …? Dilemmas when sex development goes awry

Many babies are born with a genetic variant that can result in the child being neither a typical boy or girl. There has been considerable debate about whether the child should be treated.
Argentinian artist Raul Lemesoff drives his vehicle called “Arma de Instruccion Masiva” (weapon of mass instruction) through Buenos Aries. What is Australia doing to protect its publishing industry? Marcos Brindicci

Friday essay: thriving societies produce great books – can Australia keep up?

Books contain ideas. They enable minds to shine. Our publishing industry is under pressure on many fronts – yet cultural matters seem of little significance to the federal government.
Suicide is increasing among young people, especially women. from

Suicide isn’t just an older man’s problem

Suicide data for Australia released this week show rates among young people are at the highest they’ve been for over a decade, and now account for around one third of all deaths in those aged 15 to 24.
From Jesus Christ Superstar to the Pirates of Penzance, Jon English rocked it all. Youtube

Remembering Jon English: a risk-taker with a raspy voice

From Judas Iscariot, to a string of pop hits, to the Pirate King, Jon English defied easy categorisation. With his distinctive gravelly rasp, he straddled TV, stage and the pop charts.
Before entering politics, Scott Morrison was employed to develop policy for the Property Council of Australia, which is now leading the charge against negative-gearing reform. AAP/Mick Tsikas

Housing policy is captive to property politics, so don’t expect politicians to tackle affordability

The default position for politicians is to sound concerned about housing affordability, but do nothing. This can be explained by the idea of ‘policy capture’, in this case by industry interests.
Senator Ian Macdonald, pictured here speaking against the carbon tax in 2014, has since described human-induced climate change as “farcical and fanciful”. AAP Image/Alan Porritt

How climate denial gained a foothold in the Liberal Party, and why it still won’t go away

After fighting the 1990 election on a stronger climate platform than Labor, the following two decades saw an ebb and flow of climate scepticism in the Liberal Party, which still continues today.