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Universities need to participate in a wider dialogue. Tulane Public Relations

Better connecting the university to the public debate

Foundation Essay – A democracy needs conversations that range broadly, find space for many voices, accept new information, explore unexpected ideas, allow people to reach a judgement about the issues that…
Did music precede language for Homo sapiens? Spuz/Flickr

Evolution: please don’t stop the music

All human cultures and social groups that we know of respond to music and dance. The type of music may vary but the underlying, fundamental principles of making music are the same. Our recognition of…
Powerful position: BHP chief executive Marius Kloppers unveils a record half yearly profit. Source: AAP.

BHP: From the Big Australian to ‘nominally Australian’?

When BHP chief Marius Kloppers returned Australia’s largest half-yearly profit for 2010, news reports described him as being ‘among the top 20 most powerful people in business worldwide.’ This tag is due…
Watching Melbourne’s Moomba Parade 2001 Credit: AAP.

The fiction of the perfect pre-multicultural society

In any criticism of a social out-group such as Muslims in Australia there is another unstated message being communicated: that those criticisms do not apply to us. To berate Muslims for intolerance, militancy…
Current regulations do not require dummies to be placed in the rear seat during crash tests. AAP

Protecting people in cars: are we forgetting the back seat?

Since the introduction of the seatbelt into motor vehicles over 40 years ago, there have been major gains in protection to occupants in automotive crashes. This progress has not been observed in the rear…
Should we be able to better “manage” extreme events? Kimimasa Mayama/EPA

Learning from the Japan tsunami

What lessons can we learn from the March 11 Japan earthquake and tsunami? Well, hindsight is a wonderful thing. We can, of course, question the wisdom of placing nuclear power plants in coastal locations…
Flocks falling from the sky can be the canaries in our environmental coalmine. AAP

Birdbrains cry aflockalypse as fish die and birds fall from sky

The year began with the news that thousands of birds had fallen out of the sky in Arkansas, and 100,000 drum fish were found dead in a river nearby. Soon the media began reporting more incidents all over…
Attitudes from a past era shouldn’t restrict access to modern psychosurgical treatments. Liz Henry

It’s time to get over the stigma of psychiatric surgery

Psychosurgery’s troubled history of lobotomies and unregulated procedures has left modern psychiatry with strict regulations. But now, legislation designed to protect patients is actually denying those…
Many finance theories have been debunked, so why do we still teach them? LifeSupercharger/Flickr

Why finance education must change

The global financial crisis reopened furious debate about many issues the finance industry once considered settled. But one area that mostly escaped scrutiny is the way universities educate finance students…
Hand held radiation monitors don’t detect inhaled plutonium particles which can lodge in the lung and cause long term damage. AAP

Just in case you missed it, here’s why radiation is a health hazard

The March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan and complicating nuclear crisis throw into sharp focus concerns about exposure to ionising radiation. What is it, how is it harmful, how much is too much? Inside…
Why is science so hard to communicate? Andrew Huff/Flickr

A better formula for science communication

Foundation Essay – Getting certain points across can be difficult. And yet democracies don’t function properly in the absence of broad, public discussion based on well-sourced information. Especially when…
The arrival of Chi-X as a competitor for the ASX will also usher in a new vocabulary. AAP

Transparency, dark pools and the Australian market

In the last five years, European and US equity markets have been undergoing a rapid evolution as regulatory reforms and technological developments usher in new trading venues that challenge formerly monopolistic…
Are police or the media leading the debate on crime in NSW. AAP

State of NSW: Setting the agenda on crime in NSW

With the state election in NSW approaching, and the predicted demise of the reign of Labor, there is no more perfect an opportunity to reflect on the way in which law and order issues have come to characterise…
Plentiful food and good health don’t always lead to increased stature. patriziasoliani

The end of the great Australian growth spurt

Over the past century most generations have grown a little taller than the last. Believing this growth was a result of improved nutrition and better health care, we have been proud of this greater stature…
Technical myopia - sometimes experts fail to see the bigger picture. National Institutes of Health via Wikimedia Commons

Don’t trust me, I’m an expert

In 2002 when I visited Santa Barbara, I went to a grocery store called Trader Joe’s. It had its own line in milk. Trader Joe’s Vitamin D Milk (Grade A, pasteurized, homogenized) had some ‘nutrition facts…
Attempts to privatise NSW’s power have caused major public concern. AAP

State of NSW: Weighing the cost of the privatisation of power

Successive governments in NSW, of both political persuasions, have tried to privatise electricity despite strong and consistent citizen opposition. Citizen opposition is based on the desire to maintain…
Creating a stir: the young woman at the centre of the recent AFL scandal faces an ambivalent reception. Picture: AAP.

The St Kilda schoolgirl and our troubled relationship with tricky women

We usually don’t like tricky women. Even worse, tricky girls like the alternately cunning and naïve teenager who recently got the better of several AFL players, a player manager, and, arguably, the football…
Offsetting air travel is as simple as ticking a box on a website. So why aren’t more of us doing it? AAP

Taking responsibility for your carbon footprint

With the political debate over climate change getting muddier, many people who used to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by buying carbon offsets are no longer doing so. The market for carbon offsets…
Too much focus on balance doesn’t present the true picture. AAP

When the science is so clear, why is the argument so clouded?

While the evidence for climate change continues to strengthen, public acceptance of the science keeps declining. Closing the gap could be a question of better communication. At the commencement of the…
Sleeper: we’ll retire later even with a boost to fertility rates. AAP

Why boosting immigration or fertility won’t fix our ageing population

Many public debates come down to facts – issues like “Whose costing of the Opposition’s spending plans was correct?” or “How many people died in Iraq?” Too often the media report a strident opinion from…