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Displaying 251 - 275 of 1541 articles

Malcolm Turnbull was the latest prime minister to be ousted before the end of his term in August, 2018. AAP/Sam Mooy

Book: Are short prime ministerships the new normal?

With John Howard in 2004-7 the last prime minister to serve a full term, it may seem Australia has sunk into a long rein of political instability. But that is not necessarily the case.
The women’s program was promised at budget time, when there was no. separate women’s statement, as had been produced previously. Joel Carrett/AAP

Women targeted with $109 million to promote “economic security”

The O'Dwyer statement has an eye to areas where Labor has been taking the running. One focal point is seeking to improve the capacity of victims of domestic violence to rebuild their lives.
Independent senators like Derryn Hinch or a potentially re-elected Jacqui Lambie are likely to wield significant power with the next federal Labor government, according to analysis by the Australia Institute. Mick Tskias/AAP

Shorten would need non-Green crossbench to pass bills in Senate: Australia Institute

The Institute’s analysis suggests that, at best, after next year’s half-Senate election the ALP and Greens could have 38 senators – although more likely they would have 37.
The funds for the court will see the appointment of two new judges to. deal with civil cases. David Crosling/AAP

Government to provide more funds for prosecuting bank crime

Frydenberg and Porter said ASIC’s increased enforcement activity was expected to lead to “more prosecutions by the CDPP and more civil corporate misconduct cases before the Federal Court.”
Fullilove suggests the time will come when Trump will put the Australian government on the spot. Christian Hartmann/EPA

Prepare to be forthright with Trump: Michael Fullilove

In a speech titled “After the Midterms” Fullilove warns Australia may need to increase its defence spending beyond the present commitment and urges the government to reverse some of its cuts to aid.
Scott Morrison’s personal ratings have also worsened, in a poll that. comes in the wake of his intensive week of campaigning in the key state of Queensland. Dan Peled/AAP

Government falls further behind – Labor leads 55-45% in Newspoll

The Newspolls have been consistently worse for the Coalition since the leadership change – before that Labor had been cut back to a narrow 51-49% lead.
Shorten also argues that Labor is better able than the. Coalition to chime in with the Pacific countries’ concerns about climate change. Ellen Smith/AAP

Shorten proposes investment bank to help Pacific nations’ development

In a speech to the Lowy Institute on Monday, Shorten says Australia’s Pacific neighbours want partners for infrastructure projects – “and as PM, I intend to make sure they look to Australia first.
Morrison has made dealing with the impact of drought one of his. priorities since becoming prime minister. Lukas Coch/AAP

Government to set up new multi-billion Future Drought Fund

The fund is to provide support against future droughts, helping primary producers, non-government organisations and communities prepare for and respond to their impact.
Hanns’ arguments challenge the strong warnings from Home Affairs Minister Peter Dutton about the danger of reviving the people. smuggling trade if there is any relaxation of policy. Lukas Coch/AAP

Former Home Affairs officer calls for all refugees to be brought to Australia

In a paper being sent to all federal MPs, Shaun Hanns argues that current policy is based on an unfounded belief that resettlement in Australia would lead to an out-of-control influx of boat arrivals.
The issue of the children on Nauru – many of them with acute health. issues - escalated in recent weeks, with campaigning by doctors for a more humanitarian approach and pressure from government backbenchers. Danny Casey/AAP

Government raises glimmer of hope for New Zealand deal on refugees

Opposition immigration spokesman Shayne Neumann said Labor welcomed the government’s “sudden and unexplained interest” in considering a deal with New Zealand.
Tabling the report, Fifield revealed Milne had told him on September. 12 that the board did not believe Guthrie was best placed to lead the organisation, and that he would be telling her that next day. Lukas Coch/AAP

Turnbull did not suggest ABC sack journalists: report

Mrdak, who interviewed both Milne and Guthrie, said they had no doubt the government was “very concerned at the issues of opinion and accuracy and editorial standards raised” in the several pieces.
Announcements are pouring out in what is already a faux election campaign, with the government at the weekend unveiling nearly $52 million to Headspace for youth mental health. David Mariuz/AAP

Coalition trails 47-53% in Newspoll, as Ipsos finds 74% oppose law discriminating against gay students and teachers

The latest national polls come just days out from Saturday’s Wentworth byelection, which will determine whether the Coalition is forced into minority government.