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Politics + Society – Research and News

Displaying 276 - 300 of 1541 articles

Alan Jones’ media bosses need to set some standards and the politicians who listen to him need to show some spine. AAP/Joel Carrett

View from The Hill: The uncivil Mr Jones

The furore over whether the Sydney Opera House should be used as a billboard is one thing, but the bigger issue is Alan Jones’ bullying behaviour and the NSW government caving in to it,
McManus says the present industrial relations system has “excessive, unnecessary and sometimes confusing rules” that hamper parties reaching agreement. Julian Smith/AAP

ACTU push for industry bargaining increases pressure on Labor

There are 750,000 fewer workers under enterprise agreements now than when the Coalition was elected, McManus says in her speech to the John Curtin Research Centre.
With education an election battleground, Shorten is linking a new initiative on early childhood learning to the opposition’s broader schools policy. Dave Hunt/AAP

A Shorten government would subsidise pre-school for three year olds

The policy would create “a quality, two year program that boosts development in the most important years of a child’s development – an investment of an additional $1.75 billion into early education.”
Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said the legislation would be introduced in the next parliamentary sitting week. James Ross/AAP

States want the GST guarantee set in legislative stone

NSW Liberal Treasurer Dominic Perrottet said after the meeting that “all states and territories put forward the strong view” the bill must include this.
In a text message exchange with ABC radio presenter Rafael Epstein, Mr Milne said “yes” when asked if he intended to remain in the role. Joel Carrett/AAP

Government sets up inquiry into embattled ABC chairman’s email

The ABC affair – which began with the sacking of Guthrie - spun out of control on Wednesday, following the leaking to Fairfax Media of a highly damaging email, showing Milne’s editorial interference.
Michelle Guthrie has been criticised for not standing up for the organisation sufficiently, and for her lack of journalistic experience. AAP/Julian Smith

ABC board sacks managing director Michelle Guthrie

In a blunt statement, the ABC board has announced the end of Guthrie’s tenure as managing director, declaring it was “not in the best interests” of the organisation for her to continue leading it.
Morrison’s style of campaigning and how well he goes over on the ground will be carefully watched for indications of his potential strengths or weaknesses come the main game next year. Mick Tsikas/AAP

View from The Hill: Morrison faces the challenge of community-based candidate in Wentworth

For Phelps the byelection is important but for Morrison, it is critical. If Wentworth is lost, the Coalition loses majority. There could be some paralysis and the fear in the ranks will increase.
Likely independent candidate for Wentworth Kerryn Phelps could attract a lot of disillusioned Liberal votes. Danny Casey/AAP

Wentworth goes to the polls on October 20

The byelection is vital for Scott Morrison who will face a very difficult test in his initial days as prime minister. He will encounter a lot of anger in the electorate at the removal of Turnbull.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced this week the government would scrap the plan to lift the age for pension eligibility to 70, capping it at 67. AAP/Daniel Pockett

VIDEO: Michelle Grattan on changing the pension age, women in parliament and the au pair saga

Another hectic week in federal politics saw the government change the age of pension eligibility, Julie Bishop arguing for more women in parliament, and the Peter Dutton au pair story continuing to bubble along.