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Articles on Air pollution

Displaying 281 - 300 of 396 articles

A man stretches his leg on the bank of the Han River as a ship passes by amid thick haze. Tens of thousands of premature deaths in east Asia every year are caused by shipping pollution. REUTERS/Stringer

Three ways to improve commercial shipping’s environmental footprint

The merchant navy – some 20,000 ships – carries the vast majority of trade goods around the world. Unfortunately, they also spew toxic pollutants that harm people and the environment.
The bad old days: Public and political support for the EPA was highest when environmental problems like air and water pollution were more obvious than current problems like climate change or endocrine disruptors. U.S. National Archives

Why Trump’s EPA is far more vulnerable to attack than Reagan’s or Bush’s

Today’s political climate gives new EPA head Scott Pruitt a clear path to seriously cut back EPA enforcement – more than previous administrations.
Want cleaner air? Stop leaving your car engine running while you’re stopped at lights or waiting for a passenger, and demand better regulations from the government. AAP Image/Dean Lewins

Australia needs stricter rules to curb air pollution, but there’s a lot we could all do now

Australia needs stronger policy aimed at curbing air pollution, but the options currently on the table fall short. For now, we could all aim to drive less and turn off the engine when the car is idle.

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