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Articles on Air pollution

Displaying 301 - 320 of 396 articles

Dr. Kofi Amegah of the University of Cape Coast, Ghana, installing a small air sensing unit built by the University of Massachusetts. Kofi Amegah

Can we rely on DIY air pollution sensors?

Citizens and activists are using cheap off-the-shelf sensors to collect their own data on air pollution. It’s a promising trend, but these devices have serious technical limitations.
Thousands protest against the proposed expansion of a chemical factory in Ningbo, Oct. 28, 2012. AP

As incomes rise in China, so does concern about pollution

China has the world’s second-largest economy, powered by cheap labor and cheap fossil fuel. But now Chinese urbanites want greener, healthier lifestyles. Can the government deliver them?
Face masks like these, modeled by students from the Peltier Aerosol Lab, vary widely in effectiveness against fine particle pollution. Richard E. Peltier

Millions rely on cheap cloth masks that may provide little protection against deadly air pollution

Inexpensive cloth face masks, worn by many people in heavily polluted countries, offer only partial protection. Instead governments should warn people to avoid exposure and work to clear the air.
Nigeria is one of the countries in Africa that has a serious air pollution problem. Reuters

Why it’s time Africa features in global plans to manage air pollution

Africa has largely been ignored when it comes to official global air quality programmes. Yet low-income countries like many of those in Africa are particularly affected by air pollution.
Smog over Mexico City: bad air quality has led to limits on when people can drive their cars in the city. ilai/flickr

How corruption is hurting Mexico City’s efforts to tackle air pollution

Mexico City is suffering through an air quality crisis this spring, but institutional corruption is making the proposed solution – restricting car usage – ineffective.

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