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Articles on Carbon sequestration

Displaying 61 - 75 of 75 articles

Melt pond on the Greenland ice sheet. NASA / Michael Studinger

What climate tipping points should we be looking out for?

The concept of a “tipping point” – a threshold beyond which a system shifts to a new state – is becoming a familiar one in discussions of the climate. Examples of tipping points are everywhere: a glass…
Phytoplankon: blooming marvellous. Norman Kuring

Saharan dust feeds the ocean and locks away carbon too

The Saharan dust that clogged air and dirtied cars recently may seem like a nuisance, but in fact contains some essential nutrients – if, that is, you’re phytoplankton. The dust and sand blown from Africa…
Large trees don’t slow down with age. Michelle Venter

Big old trees grow faster, making them vital carbon absorbers

Large, older trees have been found to grow faster and absorb carbon dioxide more rapidly than younger, smaller trees, despite the previous view that trees’ growth slowed as they developed. Research published…
It’s expensive to apply nitrogen fertiliser, but there are other ways to store carbon in soils. Jiggs Images

Storing carbon in soil: potential opportunities outweigh limits

For several years, and particularly since the advent of the Coalition’s Direct Action policy for reducing emissions, the potential of agricultural soils in Australia to soak up carbon has been widely debated…
Australia’s seagrass could earn A$35 million in carbon credits each year, if we have a trading scheme. sandwichgirl/Flickr

Seagrass is a huge carbon store, but will government value it?

Australia is surrounded by a thin green line of seagrass meadows potentially worth A$5.4 billion on international carbon markets, and which could contribute to Australia and other nations meeting carbon…
We need to get our hands dirty and have a look at our soils. Flickr/JerseyRed

A more sustainable Australia: we need to talk about our soils

**A more sustainable Australia* As the 2013 election campaign continues, we’ve asked academics to look at some of the long-term issues affecting Australia – the issues that will shape our future.* Our…
EU states have agreed that CCS is vital, but progress is slow. Owen Humphreys/PA

Explainer: what is carbon capture and storage?

The Energy Technologies Institute recently reported that without carbon capture and storage (CCS), the cost of reaching the UK’s climate change targets will double from around £30 billion per year in 2050…
Trees may be a better bet than soil for carbon reduction on the land. NFGMan/Flickr

Are farmers the future of carbon management?

Both the current Government and Opposition are relying on agriculture and forestry to bear much of the burden of Australia’s emission reduction. But are they building their hopes on sand? The way we manage…
Whether more power stations should switch to burning wood or biomass is debatable. David Cheskin/PA

If we burn wood for energy, we can’t have our cake and eat it

Many countries have turned to the planet’s forests to meet their need for renewable energy, burning wood chips and pellets produced at home or abroad in power stations to generate electricity. But a report…

Study reveals potential to farm carbon

Research conducted at the Everglades Research Park at Florida Gulf Coast University has shown the potential for man-made…
If deforestation is cut down, the world’s forests could act as a large net sink for carbon emissions. Flickr/

Explainer: how much carbon can the world’s forests absorb?

You are walking through the bush when you see an enormous tree trunk, tens of metres long, lying across the forest floor. Imagine you and several dozen friends lifting it by hand. Now you’ve literally…

Missing part in carbon budget discovered

While it was previously thought that charcoal remained in the soil where it was formed, a new discovery has been made that…

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