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Climate change – Analysis and Comment

This wood tower on Bikeman islet, in the central Pacific island nation of Kiribati, used to be on the sand. Now it’s in the water. Further out, locals fish. David Gray/Reuters

Rising sea temperatures will hit fisheries and communities in poor countries the hardest

A new study finds that even in best-case scenarios, the fishing communities most hurt by climate change are on small island nations such as Kiribati, the Solomon Islands and the Maldives.
Environmentalists are not fans of EPA chief Scott Pruitt. Reuters/Mike Theiler

How environmentalists can regroup for the Trump era

Green groups fighting Trump’s anti-environmental agenda should heed precedents from the Reagan and George W. Bush administrations. They can also learn from the Australian experience.
The uniquely weak regulation of high-rise, high-density development exemplifies the market-driven growth of Australian cities. Julian Smith/AAP

Market-driven compaction is no way to build an ecocity

Achieving the goal of sustainable cities depends on rolling back the market after decades of privatisation and deregulation.
Future food will shift to alternative proteins such as insects, like this 3D-printed biscuit made of insect flour by designer Penelope Kupfer. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)

Bugging out: How we’ll feed ourselves in 2167

Climate change, insects and urban farm towers are a few things that will change how and what we eat in the future.
Climate teams: if countries pooled resources, they could support a low-emission transformation.

A new approach to emissions trading in a post-Paris climate

New Zealand is a trailblazer for emissions trading, which could help drive a low-emission transformation, both domestically and overseas, in a post-Paris world.
Canada in 2167 could see genetically engineered humans living alongside sentient machines in cities radically altered by ecological change. (Shutterstock)

Humans in 2167: Internet implants and no sleep

By 2167, genetically designed, digitally enhanced humans with Internet-connected brains will live with intelligent machines in a transformed environment and maybe even among the stars.
Climate crusaders: President Macron, right, with Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo and former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg after a June 2 meeting at the Elysee Palace, following the US withdrawal from the Paris agreement. Christophe Petit Tesson/Reuters

Cities rally around the Paris deal, a reminder that global problems can have local solutions

International problems and local policies are integrally interwoven, whether the nationalists in Washington like it or not.
Protesters gather outside the White House in Washington D.C. after President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw the Unites States from the Paris climate change accord. (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

China in climate driver’s seat after Trump rejects Paris

Action on climate change is now increasingly in China’s hands, and the decisions the country’s leaders make in the next decade will have a profound global impact.
Water mass enters the ocean from glaciers such as this along the Greenland coast. NASA/JPL-Caltech

Contributions to sea-level rise have increased by half since 1993, largely because of Greenland’s ice

Greenland’s ice is largely responsible for the accelerating pace of sea-level rise. A new analysis shows that, while Greenland accounted for just 5% of the rise in 1993, that figure rose to 25% by 2014.