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Climate change – Analysis and Comment

2015 saw us complete our exploration of all nine planets (including dwarf planet Pluto) in our solar system. NASA

2015, the year that was: Science + Technology

2015 was a year where we expanded our view of the universe, embraced new technologies and got a hint of the profound changes to come.
Public interest and peer pressure among countries are integral to enforcement of the Paris Agreement. Mal Langsdon/Reuters

The day after Paris: politicians hand the baton to green industries

The Paris Agreement recognizes the reality of global environmental pacts: the private sector must lead transition to low-carbon technology and civil society must keep up the pressure to act.
Countries have agreed to keep the rise in global temperatures to “well below 2°C”. NASA

The Paris climate agreement at a glance

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change finally came to an agreement. Here are the key points.
The first ever ‘red alert’ day in Beijing: reducing air pollution is one of the primary reasons for government action on climate change. Reuters

Why China and the US have found common purpose on climate change

The US-China relationship is crucial to any global deal on climate change. How strong is their common commitment to working on climate change, and can it last?