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Articles on Conservative Party

Displaying 501 - 520 of 533 articles

Man of style over substance. John Stillwell/PA Wire

Is Boris Johnson a sop to the Tories’ UKIP tendency?

There is a certain section of the Conservative Party – and not necessarily a minority – which has a penchant for self-destruction. This is the same section which takes its leadership cues from Nigel Farage…
Farage: not loony enough to take on 17,000 Conservative majority. Lynne Cameron/PA Wire

Tory victory as Newark proves largely immune to Ukip fever

The result from the most eagerly awaited by-election of this parliament was something of an anti-climax. While parts of the leafy Nottinghamshire seat succumbed to the Ukip fever gripping the nation…
It’s all downhill from here. Bertranfenne

Both Labour and the Tories are pursuing a cynical 15% strategy

The “35% strategy” – the idea that a party could win the 2015 general election on 35% of the vote – entered political discourse last year, generally as a Conservative taunt directed at Labour. The 35…
Government is looking for a new ‘officer class’ to run privatised social services. John Giles / PA.

Creeping privatisation leaves social work fighting for its soul

Social work is at a crossroads. As the next election cycle begins, the country’s social workers are caught between two completely different visions of their profession. One is based on the ideal of a democratic…
You’ve come a long way, baby: David Cameron signs Shimon Peres’s visitors book. EPA/Dan Balitly

Tory attitudes to Israel have a tangled history

Addressing the Israeli Knesset recently, David Cameron proclaimed himself “a British prime minister whose belief in Israel is unbreakable, and whose commitment to Israel’s security will always be rock…

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