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Articles on Giving

Displaying 1 - 20 of 196 articles

Penny Knight and Phil Knight were the second-largest givers of 2023. Michael Hickey/Getty Images

Donations by top 50 US donors fell again in 2023, sliding to $12B − Mike Bloomberg, Phil and Penny Knight, and Michael and Susan Dell led the list of biggest givers

Three philanthropy scholars discuss several trends in giving by the wealthiest Americans highlighted in this yearly report. Among them: Much of this money doesn’t go to charities right away.
Billionaire investor and Harvard alum Bill Ackman has voiced his objections to the school’s current president. AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

What do universities owe their big donors? Less than you might think, explain 2 nonprofit law experts

Threats from disappointed donors over the language used during campus protests about the Israel-Hamas conflict have become angrier and more public than in the past.

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