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Articles on Oil and gas

Displaying 121 - 140 of 196 articles

Protesters rally against coal seam gas in Melbourne, February 2016. AAP Image/Caroline Zielinski

Australian gas: between a fracked rock and a socially hard place

The federal government seems keen to usher in a new boom in onshore gas production. But gas firms will need to tread carefully, as past experience in Queensland’s fracking heartland shows.
Efforts to combat climate change are making extracting oil from areas like Canada’s tar sands fields more expensive. Emily Beament/PA Wire via AP

Are fossil fuel companies telling investors enough about the risks of climate change?

The Trump administration may reverse a recent push to require oil companies to disclose more information about climate change risks to investors. Is that a good thing?
After the Army Corps of Engineers approved an easement for the North Dakota Pipeline, two tribes requested – unsuccessfully – to halt construction while their lawsuit over the project is resolved. AP Photo/Susan Walsh

How will native tribes fight the Dakota Access Pipeline in court?

More than an easement: A scholar of Native American law lays out the legal arguments in the Dakota Access Pipeline and why they matter to all of us.
In 1945, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt met with King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud, part of a behind-the-scenes policy to ensure access to oil for the U.S. and its allies. National Archives and Records Administration

Exxon’s Rex Tillerson and the rise of Big Oil in American politics

Big Oil has historically played a behind-the-scenes role on American policy and politics. No longer.
Trump’s energy plan will be fossil fuels on steroids combined with efforts to roll back limits on greenhouse gases. AP Photo/Eric Gay

What President Trump means for the future of energy and climate

President-elect Trump’s objective on energy and climate is clear: Undo Obama’s legacy of environmental regulations and massively expand fossil fuel production.
Efforts to combat climate change are making extracting oil from areas like Canada’s tar sands fields more expensive. Emily Beament/PA Wire via AP

Should oil companies like Exxon be forced to disclose climate change risks?

The SEC and others are pressing Exxon to disclose more climate change risks to investors. But new research suggests shareholders are already pricing in those costs on their own.
The country’s lawmakers for the past two years have been deliberating a new oil and gas bill without much progress. Reuters/Darren Whiteside

Finding the right model for Indonesia’s oil and gas management

Indonesian lawmakers should ignore a push from nationalists groups to return monopoly rights over the country’s oil and gas reserved to the state oil company, Pertamina.
Members of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe protest construction of an oil pipeline near their reservation in Cannon Ball, North Dakota. Andrew Cullen/Reuters

Why the Native American pipeline resistance in North Dakota is about climate justice

What is the months-long North Dakota Access Pipeline protest really about? A Native American scholar connects the dots to environmental justice and the legacy of U.S. colonialism.
Cartier Island marine reserve is part of a network that covers one-third of Australian waters. Australian Institute of Marine Science

Oil, gas and marine parks really can coexist in our oceans – here’s how

Marine parks need to cover large swathes of ocean, but they also need to cover the right areas if they are to deliver the best conservation. New research off Australia’s northwest suggests how.
The EPA has issued rules to regulate methane emission from new oil and gas wells in the face of industry and political pushback. gas storage via

Why utilities have little incentive to plug leaking natural gas

The Obama administration wants to regulate methane leaks from oil and gas operations. Here’s why we can’t count on market forces to make it work.

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