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Articles on Penguins

Displaying 21 - 40 of 44 articles

Bycatch: penguins can easily drown in nets designed to ensnare fish. NZ Ministry of Fisheries

Penguins under threat from drowning in fishing nets

Penguins in New Zealand, Australia and elsewhere face an uncertain future as a new review documents the number accidentally ensnared in fishing nets.
Genomic data sets the record straight on where bird species sit on the avian family tree. photoholic1/Flickr

Bird tree of life shows ‘explosive evolution’: studies

Today’s land birds, from ducks to eagles, shared a common ancestor after dinosaurs went extinct – just one finding from bird gene studies published in journals, including Science and GigaScience…
Knitting for penguins is part of a larger trend that yokes the creative and the activist. Penguin Foundation/Facebook

Crafting for good: why we all want to knit for penguins

Last week, a call for knitters to create tiny pullovers for oil-spill affected penguins went viral. Patterns for penguin knitwear from The Penguin Foundation bounced around social media. It was a bit of…
Some emperor penguins are searching for some new ice to call home. Wikimedia Commons

New behaviour leaves Antarctic penguins on the shelf

Emperor penguins have been spotted breeding on ice shelves for the first time, where previously they were thought only to breed on the much lower ice that floats on the ocean surface. It is not clear whether…
New research suggests penguins evolved with the Antarctic. Flickr/Martha de Jong Lantink

Was penguin evolution driven by a cooling Antarctic?

Penguins are a remarkable group of flightless birds. We tend to think of them as Antarctic birds, but they actually inhabit an extremely diverse range of habitats from subzero Antarctic coastline to the…
Best served chilled: Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) Uwe Kils/BAS

A view to a krill: warming seas may leave predators hungry

Although it is far from the power stations, roads and flight paths of the populated world, the Southern Ocean is already responding to climate change. Average sea temperatures in some parts have risen…
The emperor penguin: walking isn’t exactly its speciality, but you should see it swim. Uli Junz

From flapper to flipper: how the penguin lost its flight

Penguins can move underwater with the speed of a swallow or swift, but cannot fly even as far as a chicken. How did a bird that in some cases shuffles 40 miles to its breeding grounds on unsuitable flippers…

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