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Articles on Populism

Displaying 321 - 331 of 331 articles

Populists are on the rise on both sides of the Atlantic – Donald Trump (right) has even been called ‘America’s Marine Le Pen’ (left). AAP/EPA

Trendy electoral superheroes: from the Americas to Europe, the populists confront us

Populist politicians are on the march, first in Latin America, then in Europe and the US. They are on both the left and right, and their policies vary, but their approach carries the same risks.
Marine Le Pen’s awful night may be a blessing in disguise. Reuters/Yves Herman

Has France really seen the back of the Front National?

After storming the first round of France’s regional elections, Marine Le Pen’s far-right party has been humiliated. But all is not lost.
Leader of the Front National, Marine le Pen, the morning after her party’s strong showing in the first round of regional elections. Pascal Rossignol/Reuters

France’s Front National: an anti-regional party at heart

France’s extreme-right party has national ambitions, but its lead in the first round of local elections puts it in direct contradiction with its long-proclaimed ideology.
Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras and Pablo Iglesias of Podemos have taken their populist parties to victory in Greece and a lead in the polls in Spain. Flickr/Fanis Xouryas

Populism and democracy: friend or foe? Rising stars deepen dilemma

The rise of left-wing populism challenges those who flatly denounced right-wing populism as undemocratic. Populism can appear as a democratic force in some contexts and anti-democratic in others.
On many major issues, Labor’s Bill Shorten and the Liberals’ Tony Abbott are essentially two wings of the same bird. AAP/Mick Tsikas

A challenged democracy: wicked problems and political failures

The crisis of public confidence in politics is not limited to Australia, but public disengagement, retail politics and lack of vision are crippling our ability to tackle long-term and wicked problems.
Has firebrand Tasmanian senator Jacqui Lambie fallen into the populists’ trap of political overreach? AAP/Lukas Coch

Loose cannon Lambie risks being hoist by her own populist petard

Apart from the brouhaha over some Victorian schools bumping one minute’s silence to before or after the traditional 11am, Tuesday’s Remembrance Day commemorations went off without a hitch, soberly recognising…

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