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Articles on Psychotherapy

Displaying 41 - 49 of 49 articles

The therapeutic relationship can be as important as the type of therapy. In this photo, occupational therapist Carly Rogers (second from left) talks to military veterans at the surf therapy program she founded, in Manhattan Beach, California. Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

Does psychotherapy research with trauma survivors underestimate the patient-therapist relationship?

While evidence suggests that the therapeutic relationship is a critical part of psychotherapy, the impact of the relationship often isn’t studied in clinical trials for trauma survivors with PTSD.
A NSW programme in which prisoners train stray dogs as part of their rehabilitation is one of a number of innovations adopted in recent years. AAP

Crime and punishment and rehabilitation: a smarter approach

Approaches to crime that rely on punitive methods have proved to be ineffective and counter-productive. Rehabilitation programmes not only prevent crime, but are cost-effective and practical.
Sometimes, the walls of the therapy room may simply be getting in the way of recovery. János Balázs

Breaking down the walls of the therapy room

Psychotherapy and psychological treatment are typically private processes, bound by the unique relationship between client and therapist, and by strict rules of confidentiality. But there’s a growing realisation…
Many cultures believe that dreams tell the future, and the messages in our dreams are warnings. Gisela Giardino

The science of interpreting common symbols in dreams

Research shows that everyone, even those who claim they never dream, actually do. But few of us can make any sense of our dreams. My colleagues and I have been working on a way to try to make sense of…

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