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Articles on student activism

Displaying 21 - 25 of 25 articles

High school and college students protested Trump’s inauguration at Seattle Central College in January. AP Photo/Elaine Thompson

Helping student activists move past ‘us vs. them’

When it comes to politics these days, it feels like everything is ‘my way or the highway.’ What can colleges do to end this moral fundamentalism and get students listening to each other?
Students across campuses are protesting against racial injustice. Max Goldberg

Here’s how history is shaping the #studentblackout movement

A former activist turned professor says previous student movements may have opened the door for people of color to have greater opportunity but fell short of changing the power structure.
A young man wearing an African National Congress shirt joins in student protests in South Africa. Party politics and student politics shouldn’t mix. Reuters/Sydney Seshibedi

Why student leaders should be elected on merit, not party affiliation

It’s time to change how student representatives are elected at South Africa’s universities. The existing process gives far too much space and power to political parties.

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