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Articles on Universities

Displaying 361 - 380 of 1065 articles

Online shaming leads to personal attacks and resignations, not structural change. (Miguel Bruna/Unsplash)

Twitter shaming won’t change university power structures

Bringing change to universities needs to focus on systems, not people. Although online shaming is effective at removing people from their positions, it doesn’t change systems.
A person bicycles past the University of Toronto campus during the COVID-19 pandemic in Toronto in June 2020. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Nathan Denette

COVID-19: Don’t make university students choose between education and legal rights

Students won’t be allowed to participate in activities at St. Francis Xavier University this fall unless they sign a COVID-19 waiver. That’s forcing them to make a difficult and unfair choice.
Universitas Gadjah Mada (above) in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, has joined the ranks of the world’s top 300 universities in the 2021 QS World Rankings. (Shutterstock)

Why countries should leverage universities as a new force in global diplomacy

Higher education institutions have started challenging the role of states as the dominant force in attracting foreign investment – particularly in terms of human talents and technological resources.
Cedar Street Elementary School in Beloeil, Que, developed a butterfly and bird perennial garden. Here, a monarch butterfly. (Shutterstock)

School-community gardens plant the seeds of change to address global warming

Picture this change: Through collaborative garden networks, teachers, schools, children, community partners and universities inspire real learning and transformation for a more sustainable world.
Public domain/University of Sydney Archives/Shutterstock (Nils Versemann)

Universities have gone from being a place of privilege to a competitive market. What will they be after coronavirus?

This essay explores the way the social contract between universities, society and the state has changed over the course of the 20th century. And how generations of students paid and benefited.

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