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Articles on Veterans

Displaying 61 - 66 of 66 articles

Civilian doctors might not know that their patients have served in the military. In this photo Marines march around the World Trade Center memorial after participating in a memorial run in 2012. MarineCorps NewYork/Flickr

Veterans’ health care: doctors outside the VA need to know more about the veterans they treat

Asking ‘Have you served in the military?’ may seem like a minor issue, but it’s actually much more important than you might think. And it’s a question that few doctors make a point of asking.
The therapeutic relationship can be as important as the type of therapy. In this photo, occupational therapist Carly Rogers (second from left) talks to military veterans at the surf therapy program she founded, in Manhattan Beach, California. Lucy Nicholson/Reuters

Does psychotherapy research with trauma survivors underestimate the patient-therapist relationship?

While evidence suggests that the therapeutic relationship is a critical part of psychotherapy, the impact of the relationship often isn’t studied in clinical trials for trauma survivors with PTSD.

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