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Articles on Yeast

Displaying 21 - 24 of 24 articles

In us, on us and all around us. Microbes image via

Microbes: Our tiny, crucial allies

Long viewed simply as ‘germs,’ the hidden half of nature turns out to be crucial to the health of people and plants.
The humble spread gets caught up in the home brew debate. Flickr/atl trader

Yes, you can make alcohol from Vegemite, but …

Vegemite has been used for many things over the years. But claims it was used to brew alcohol in dry Indigenous communities had many asking if that was even possible.
Building yeast chromosomes – cheers to that! Scott Beale/Flicke

Making ‘designer genes’ from scratch begins with yeast

Australia is to play a significant role in the quest for artificial life as it joins an international project to create the world’s first synthetic yeast, we can announce today. Under the leadership of…

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