Paracelsus' poison
Displaying 41 - 50 of 81 articles
While I have been distracted with other things, there have been a number of internet articles relating to toxicology that have come and gone, but are still interesting to talk about. There was an article…
I used to have in my lab a small jar of substance with this warning on the label: “Known to the State of California to cause cancer, handle with eye protection, gloves and respiratory apparatus” The identity…
Two Fridays ago* I was interviewed on ABC radio about an article on the health effects of coffee that has been doing the rounds. The theme of the interview was how can ordinary people make sense of conflicting…
On the morning of May 10, there will be an annular Solar eclipse. In an annular eclipse the Moon does not completely cover the Sun, and the Sun forms a thin ring around the Moon at maximum eclipse depth…
World Homoeopathy Awareness Week has just passed (10 April to 16 April), but I would still like to take this opportunity to make people aware that Homoeopathy is expensive placebo that has been failing…
It’s very hard to miss that a certain Famous Sports Person has been accused of taking performance enhancing drugs (and is vigorously denying the accusation), splashed as it is throughout all the news media…
This being Easter and all I thought I would revisit a subject dear to all our hearts, chocolate. Or rather, that part of chocolate that we have a love hate relationship with, caffeine. Have you ever wondered…
“Bisphenol A protects against Wheezing” screamed no headline ever, yet that is one of the findings of a paper just published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical immunology. I’m sorry, I really was going…
I’m going to take a break from my planned blogging of the WHO Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Report to talk about this paper “Bisphenol A delays the perinatal chloride shift in cortical neurons by epigenetic…
Yesterday the World Health Organisation released a report entitled “State of the science of endocrine disrupting chemicals - 2012” Endocrine disrupting chemicals are a broad range of substances that can…