Paracelsus' poison
Displaying 21 - 30 of 81 articles
The Moon as seen from Darwin at Saturn ingress (20:05 ACST) and exit (21:19 ACST). Similar views will be seen at similar latitudes (Broome Weipa, Townsville, Cairns). Click to embiggen. The Moon as seen…
On the weekend the Sydney Morning Herald reported that Health authorities had raided Indian grocery stores in Sydney’s southwest, confiscating traditional Indian medicines that they thought might contain…
The complementary medicine industry has been quick to respond to an opinion piece by Cassandra Wilkinson in The Australian newspaper on the lack of evidence for many complementary medicines, and particularly…
This morning I drove past the new Krispy Kreme donut shop in Adelaide, people were lining up waiting for it to open. Ironically, this morning a paper was published in the British Journal of Nutrition entitled…
A couple of weeks ago Amanda Blair wrote, in the light of of the problems with the South Australian Health Budget, that she could provide savings by being the “Door Bitch” at Emergency Departments and…
A couple of years back a French research study (known as the Seralini study after it’s first author) claimed that rats fed a diet which contained a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified corn or the herbicide…
A paper published last year in the British Medical Journal claimed that there were significant risks to taking the lipid lowering drugs called statins as primary prevention measures. The journal has just…
The Moon at 8:02 pm ACST in Adelaide on 14 May just before the Moon covers Saturn. Similar views will be seen elsewhere at the equivalent local time. See table below for exact local times. Click to enlarge…
Partial Eclipse as seen from Brisbane near maximum eclipse, 5:00 pm AEST. Simulated in Celestia. Click to enlarge. Partial Eclipse as seen from Sydney near maximum eclipse, 4:55 pm AEST. Simulated in Celestia…
Eastern horizon as seen from Sydney on April 15 at 6:30 pm AEST. Totality is just ending. Click image to enlarge Eastern horizon as seen from Adelaide on April 15 at 6:00 pm ACST Totality is just ending…