Displaying 1 - 10 of 97 articles
Imagine, if you would, a company in a pre-budget submission demanding diplomatic assistance from their government to help them sell product overseas. Fair enough, you might say. If you don’t ask you won’t…
Pauline Hanson has become the latest politician to flirt with the fringe view of immunisation denial. Of course, like all thoroughly modern anti-vaxxers, she claims to be about choice and empowerment rather…
Former prime minister Tony Abbott was widely reported in the media for remarks he made about the Disability Support Pension (DSP) while being interviewed on radio. This was a few days ago now, and no doubt…
A paper was published and much discussed online recently, which demonstrates all the problems that I - and other critics - have with the way research is done and interpreted in the world of chiropractic…
It’s a funny way that I make my living. I spend anything up to 10 hours a day sitting at a desk talking to people with problems. I work in a practice which has set out to develop a culture of sharing triumphs…
My attention fell this week on the reporting of an article accepted for publication in one of the main journals in my field. According to the ABC, placebo treatments for pain can be effective even when…
When not being forced to waste their time and formidable expertise researching furphies like wind turbine syndrome or homeopathy, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) can get on with…
A purportedly serious publication in a serious forum that was published this week has given rise to a bunch of breathless CAM-related headlines in my news feed. CAM being Complementary and Alternative…
The Division of Paediatrics and Child Health of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) has released a strongly worded statement about the harm caused to children in immigration detention…
I was a bit annoyed by this article that appeared on The Age website and was retweeted widely. The title -_ Opioid addiction: Treatments get people off painkillers, but it is a hard road_ - suggests the…