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Artículos sobre ACCC

Mostrando 181 - 195 de 195 artículos

Google has won a High Court case in which the ACCC alleged it engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct. AAP/John G. Mabanglo

Google triumph over ACCC seen as a loss for consumers

Google has triumphed in a High Court case with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, in what experts say is a setback for the competition regulator and a loss for consumers. The ACCC had…
When does marketing spin cross the line to become misleading advertising? Flickr\Just1of7billion

Where should we draw the line on misleading advertising?

Two recent cases highlight the problem of misleading advertising. In the United States, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has dismissed an appeal by POM Wonderful about health claims for their juice…
Opposition communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull has stepped up his criticism of proposed new media regulation. AAP

Turnbull overlooks diversity in media regulation dismissal

Opposition communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull is overlooking critical issues of diversity and public interest in dismissing the need for further media regulation, say media experts. Mr Turnbull…
Will the Qantas-Emirates alliance restore the beleaguered Australian airline back to profitability? AAP

The Qantas-Emirates alliance: a flight path to future growth?

Today, Alan Joyce has announced that Qantas and Emirates have struck a joint venture alliance for the next 10 years. As a result, Qantas will be taking its passengers to Europe through Dubai, instead of…
A new 16 minute anti-cartel film produced by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission aims to breaks through widely-held business views around collusion.

Will the ACCC’s foray into film make its mark on cartel behaviour?

Close scrutiny and tough sanctioning of cartel conduct (involving price fixing, market sharing, output reduction and bid rigging by competing businesses) has been a focus of competition law and enforcement…
Australian media regulators would take an active interest in attempts by News Limited to increase its stake in Foxtel. AAP

Is Rupert Murdoch safe from Australian regulators?

Problems facing media moguls Rupert and James Murdoch in the United Kingdom and the United States have yet to have an impact in Australia. But if recent speculation is true that News Limited might be a…
Graeme Samuel and Stephen King: two of Australia’s most senior regulators sit down together for The Conversation.

Graeme Samuel: We’ve lost principled, analytical debate in this country

What happens when two of Australia’s best known former competition regulators sit down together and talk about the world? A wide-ranging discussion on the state of Australia’s political debate, xenophobia…
The claim of “free to roam” is being challenged by the consumer regulator.

Impressions count when it comes to misleading consumers

Christmas is coming, which means consumers are out looking for great deals to fill stockings and feed the family. And for retailers and manufacturers, the temptation to add “spin” to their marketing is…
The ACCC has pledged to take more businesses to court over anti-competitive behaviour. Hacklock

Will Rod Sims’ tougher approach pay off for the ACCC?

When the appointment of Rod Sims as chairman of the competition watchdog was announced earlier this year, there was disquiet among some competition lawyers. Would Sims, an economist, readily appreciate…
Compared to countries like France, Australia’s food is expensive - but why? AAP

Mon Dieu! Why is Australian food so expensive?

I am fortunate to have recently returned from a holiday in France. While there I couldn’t help noticing the much lower price of many foods. Croissants and brioches retail for around $1.35 (1 euro) or less…

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