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Artículos sobre Aged care reform

Mostrando 21 - 28 de 28 artículos

Community attitudes towards the health system have improved significantly over the last four years. Sarah Reid

Australians give an upbeat diagnosis of health system

More than half of the Australian population believe they’re in very good to excellent health, have a high level of confidence in the health system and support the policy direction that the federal government’s…
Aged-care residents are among the most vulnerable in our society, with many reliant on pensions. Kariobinja/Flickr

It’s complicated: why aged-care funding is still a problem

Recent media reports have highlighted an anomaly in residential aged-care funding in Australia: that day-to-day operations of facilities are governed by both Commonwealth and state government policies…

UK seniors living with cancer to triple

Cancer rates of people over the age of 65 is due to triple by 2040, according to researchers in the United Kingdom. A study…
Post-budget analysis has largely ignored the government’s achievements in aged care reform. Ernst Vikne

Navigating Australia’s bumpy road to aged care reform

Much of the budget analysis over the past week has concentrated on the shuffling of expenditure for 2012-13 back to this financial year in order to achieve a surplus. It’s true that $17.6bn of such transfers…
A fairer and more sustainable system is being proposed. flickr/louisa_catlover

Moving in the right direction for better aged care

The Government’s aged care reforms are a landmark for setting valuable directions for better care. It’s the first such major initiative in more than 25 years – but there’s a long and uncertain road ahead…

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