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Artículos sobre AIDS

Mostrando 81 - 100 de 109 artículos

Recent improvements in medical management of HIV infection are not well understood in the legal sector.

Australian law needs a refresher on the science of HIV transmission

HIV diagnosis is devastating for patients and their families. But the infection is no longer a death sentence, and should not be prosecuted as such say experts.
Simplicity of delivery will be critical if a ‘cure’ is going to be deliverable in the parts of the world where HIV is endemic. ktsdesign/Shutterstock

Remind me again, how close are we to a cure for HIV?

Curing HIV – or at least achieving long-term remission – is possible, under the right circumstances.
Glass sculpture representation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus structure. LabLit/flickr

Antibody injections could be stepping stone to HIV vaccine

A new animal study has shown injections of antibodies might protect against HIV infection, albeit for only a limited time.
Treatment has transformed the outlook for people living with HIV from almost certain death to a manageable chronic condition. Athit Perawongmetha/Reuters

The scientific journey of AIDS from despair to cautious hope

Despite the breakthroughs in HIV and AIDS research, without an effective vaccine, the world will not get to zero new infections and deaths.
Telling people to use a condom won’t prevent HIV because some women can’t convince their partner to use them. Mike Segar/Reuters

We need more than condoms to prevent HIV in women

Used properly and consistently, condoms are the most effective, affordable, and low-tech way to prevent HIV. But unfortunately, condoms are not an easy option for everyone – particularly women.
Improving maternal mortality and ending preventable deaths in children are some of the health targets in the Sustainable Development Goals. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade/Flickr

More is less? Health in the Sustainable Development Goals

Health has secured its place as one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. But without clear mechanisms to report, finance or engage other sectors, could more end up as less?
Sexual contact between men remains the main route of HIV transmission. Aristocrats-hat/Flickr

Five reasons why HIV infections in Australia aren’t falling

Despite health promotion campaigns and a concerted effort to make antiretroviral therapy more accessible, the number of new HIV cases in Australia has remained stable over the last three years.
Have we really turned the corner over HIV/AIDS? Africa Studio

Rumours of the demise of HIV have been greatly exaggerated

Two years ago, the “beginning of the end” of AIDS was announced. It included the promise of reducing HIV transmission by reducing the amount of infectious virus in the population. This relies on a two-pronged…
From the late 1990s, the world galvanised in support of dramatic increases in funding for the distribution of HIV treatments to all who needed them. World national flags/Shuttershock

It takes a global village: how we got ahead in HIV control

When AIDS first emerged in the early 1980s, HIV infection was a death sentence. But a global effort has ensured this is no longer the case for a growing number of people. The good news today is that the…
Joep Lange (right) with Praphan Phanuphak and David Cooper, co-directors of HIVNAT, a joint research centre in Bangkok, Thailand. Kirby Institute

AIDS community mourns loss of pioneer researcher Joep Lange

This article was updated at 12.30pm on Saturday July 19. The international AIDS community is mourning the deaths of researchers, community activists, health workers and people with HIV whose plane was…

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