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Artículos sobre Airbus

Mostrando 1 - 20 de 28 artículos

Cockpit of the Airbus A330-900. P. Pigeyre/Airbus

Airbus: flying high on the wings of corruption

In January Airbus agreed to pay nearly 4 billions euros to settle bribery charges. Theories developed by criminology researchers explain how the firm was able to operate so long with such impunity.
The final deliveries of the A380 are anticipated for 2021. Mike Fuchslocher/Shutterstock

Airbus A380: from high-tech marvel to commercial flop

The shifting market for air travel has forced Airbus to abandon the production of one of the most impressive aircraft of all time, the super-jumbo A380. Was it folly, bad luck or both?

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