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Artículos sobre American Health Care Act

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House Speaker Paul Ryan’s attempt to replace the Affordable Care Act in March 2017 was just one of many to undo the health law. AP Photo/Susan Walsh

Why the extreme reaction to Obamacare could be the new normal in American politics

Efforts to undo Obamacare went far beyond grass-roots activities, with new research showing that contributions by businesses were significant. Does this signal a change in the political process?
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other Republican leaders at the Capitol on June 6, 2017. J. Scott Applewhite/AP

How Obamacare may morph into Medicaid

Senate Republicans have been trying to find a way to get enough votes to repeal Obamacare. Here’s how their delay could lead to a result they did not expect – more Medicaid.
Do the rules of success apply equally to all women? Nick Lehr/The Conversation via Wikimedia Commons

Ivanka Trump’s deeply political tome

‘Women Who Work’ attempts to present itself as an apolitical work. But no narratives ever are – and it’s especially the case for those that anxiously seek to appear that way.
Rep. Billy Long (R-Mo.) speaks to reporters outside the White House on May 3, 2017 after a meeting with the president on proposed legislation that could limit coverage for preexisting conditions. Susan Walsh/AP

How pre-existing conditions became front and center in health care vote

How preexisting conditions came to be a condition for passage of the Republicans’ health care law is a complicated tale. Insurers created the cost-saving technique, excluding millions over the years.
Two swing votes: Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) and Rep. Greg Waldon (R-Ore.), after striking a deal with Pres. Trump on the heath care bill. Susan Walsh/AP Photo

How did health insurance get so complicated? Here are some answers

Even Pres. Trump said he had no idea that health insurance can be so complicated. Part of the reason is that it’s not something we really want to buy – and not something we want to buy for others.
House Speaker Paul Ryan announced March 24 that he was pulling his proposed health care bill from consideration. Scott Applewhite/AP

Did medical Darwinism doom the GOP health plan?

The U.S. has been arguing about health care for decades. Critics have argued that insurance for all is a sign of weakness or even Communist. Here’s a look at how the thinking has evolved – or not.
President Trump arrived at the Capitol with HHS Secretary Tom Price on March 21 to warn representatives that they could lose their jobs if they do not vote in favor of the health care law. Scott Applewhite/AP

Why threats to get votes for health law are more workplace bullying than political tactics

President Trump has threatened and criticized federal judges and House representatives. In a typical workplace, this would be called bullying. Here’s why it’s important to stop it.
Lisa Schwetschenau, who has multiple sclerosis, shown in a photo in Omaha, Nebraska on March 16. She worries that she could lose some of her essential health benefits under the new proposed health care law. Nati Harnik/AP

Essential health benefits suddenly at center of health care debate, but what are they?

Essential health benefits under Obamacare are suddenly the center of controversy in the proposed replacement bill. If certain health benefits are so essential, why are they so loathed? Here’s a look.
House Majority Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana, left, joined by Rep. Phil Roe, R-Tenn., holds up a copy of the original Affordable Care Act bill during a news conference on Capitol Hill, Wed., March 8, 2017. J. Scott Applewhite/AP

House plan to replace Obamacare ‘has Republican DNA,’ especially regarding mandate

Republicans opposed Obamacare’s mandate as much as they decried any part of the bill. How would their replacement idea, pegged to incentives, work?

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