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Artículos sobre TrumpCare

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Nurse Jane Kern administers medicine to patient Lexi Gerkin in Brentwood, New Hampshire. Lexi is one of thousands of severely disabled or ill children covered by Medicaid, regardless of family income. Charles Krupa/AP

Not just for the poor: The crucial role of Medicaid in America’s health care system

As Republicans seek to repeal Obamacare, they have added an overhaul of Medicaid to their plans. Here’s a look at the program and the surprising number of people who would be affected by cuts.
Pres. Trump and HHS Secretary Tom Price in the Oval Office on March 24, 2017, the day the original version of the AHCA was pulled. Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP

How Trump and Tom Price can kill Obamacare without the Senate

Pres. Trump has been saying for months that Obamacare will ‘explode’ on its own. He and HHS Secretary Tom Price have a lot of power to make it do so, thus making it appear that law was a failure.
Rep. Billy Long (R-Mo.) speaks to reporters outside the White House on May 3, 2017 after a meeting with the president on proposed legislation that could limit coverage for preexisting conditions. Susan Walsh/AP

How pre-existing conditions became front and center in health care vote

How preexisting conditions came to be a condition for passage of the Republicans’ health care law is a complicated tale. Insurers created the cost-saving technique, excluding millions over the years.

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